Monday, November 24, 2008

fucker jesmen

I think I'm kinda fucked up. I throw temper, anger, blow up like a mad dog over slightest things. It's as if like I'm out to kill my loved one. I did this to my mum in the past, and now I turned my shit to my date. And yet, all these were tolerated and sucked in until it went overboard. I realised I wasn't treasuring what I'm having at all.

I took you for granted and you still treat me so well. I'm the most horrible ass-hole ever. Why didn't I see how good you have been treating me, instead of showing my fucked up attitude to you when slightest things didn't go my way.

Now that I think of myself, I'm really disgusted. Really...

If I were a girl
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a boy
I swear I’d be a better woman
I would listen to her
Because I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Because he has taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed





Nobody is gonna wait like an idiot.


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