Reunion & Surprise Tomorrow
Finally! The four are back in action together! Yes. After so many weeks of 'busy having our own life', we manage to get back and hit the photoprint shops today, the last day of Hungry Ghost Festival. We saw this as a celebration for Wendy who's going to shake her tail off the torturous job attachment, and Yim who will be startin her's very soon (she's the lucky one, always get good jobs). Having said earlier last week that they are three of my six most important people, I was pretty happy today. At least, they helped me to forget about thinking too much about my current situation, about the 'too dependent' story. I had the urge to look for him today, since we were that near. Ok ok, back to main story. Today is the last day of Hungry Ghost Festival. So, I decided to have a grand finale for this special day. To help in eating up more food. Haha. I really ate alot today, like rubbish bin, kept throwing thing into my stomach. I drank to glasses of milk for a start, ate a big load of fries, a packet of chicken rice, a cup of cheese sausage with mash potatoe & caramelised onions, chicken cream soup with a chunk of huge size of bread, a little dory fish, a little fish n chips, a little large size fries, a little waffle shaped potatoe weghes, and
a set of huge crispy chicken cutlet with potatoe weghes and vegetables to conclude. I haven't even include all the drinks I had today. A beautiful full-stop to this year Hungry Ghost Festival. Ha ha, I'm fed, filled, satisfied(not emotionally). What a food day I had. The three of them were amazed, at the kind of appitite I some times posessed. I amused them once again after so many months. Ha ha! My appitite is back! I can eat eat eat, eat all I want! We took photoprints again after dinner. This time, although not as good, we were mad. This one is just a not so mad photo of us. We were crazy! It was really fun. Hah!!! Anyway, we have some programmes tomorrow, but I have a special urgent appointment to make with a certain someone tomorrow. Hah. Yah, you will get the massage you have been waiting for. Hahaha! Let me sleep first! Oh My God!!!I Miss You!!!Can't wait to sleep now and wake up fast tomorrow!!!
Ya, we finally got together after 3 months of struggle... haha... hope that we all 4 can go out more often!! Let's drink more vodka... haha
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